Outspoken: Janice, Kendra, and Mishi with musical guest Humans Win

Place: The Lyrical Lounge Time: 8pm

DISCLAIMER: The views, beliefs, and opinions expressed within the content belong solely to the poet/musician and do not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs, and opinions of Brooke B Productions or this podcast.

We are giving open mic vibes with our newest project called, Outspoken. Outspoken, an audio collection of poetry presented by Brooke B Productions, provides a platform for poets and musicians to showcase their work!

In this episode, we have three wonderful poets gracing us with their audio presence at The Lyrical Lounge: Janice, Kendra, and Mishi. Our musical guest is Humans Win courtesy of Storyblocks.

If you would like to participate in Outspoken as a poet or musical guest visit our Outspoken page for details!

Our showcased poets:

Janice: FEAR – The worst 4 letter word

Kendra: The Intent of Freedom

Mishi: Spark the Fire Within

Our musical guest: Humans Win: Viral Life